Melbourne born and bred, Matilda has lived in a variety of Melbourne locales. She values places that are diverse and inclusive; and that grow and change to meet the needs and desires of their inhabitants.

The 90’s economic recession sparked a lifelong interest in social policy and justice and in labour market programs and economic development. Matilda took that passion and spent the first decade of her career in social programs and non-profits, supporting mental health and the disability sector, as well as peak body and regional work in neighbourhood houses.

She has qualifications in social science, community development and training and public relations. Over the past decade she has worked in advocacy, strategy, communications and marketing in both paid and unpaid capacities. Her roles have focused on a number of areas, including in social policy, return on investment, active philanthropy, social value and finance.

In recent years, she has been working in communications and community engagement in state and local government. She worked with the Fishermans Bend Taskforce, for the Victorian School Building Authority, and on pandemic recovery and community engagement for a large peri-urban council grappling with the changes to the local government act. The last two years have seen an integration of skills and experience while in the role of Social Impact Manager with property developer Lendlease, managing the Victorian portfolio of new masterplanned communities.

A strategist, her skill is quickly gaining a deep understanding of the issue, place or project. She gets to know the people and communities involved and then works using what is one of Amplifier’s key philosophy; doing what you can with what you have.

She’s a keen gardener and keeper of a backyard menagerie. Since becoming the parent of small humans she has far less hobbies and more school ‘volunteering’.


Originally from the beautiful city of Edinburgh, Scotland – Steven and his somewhat mellowed accent has called Melbourne home since 2000.

Steven is a passionate champion of inclusion, with a particular interest in elevating the voices and experiences of LGBTIQ+, First Nations and culturally diverse communities. He has had a long and diverse career in engagement, community development, social sustainability and placemaking, working across state and local government, consultancy and corporate. He brings a keen eye around ways to enhance and protect organisational reputation to all his roles and projects.

His recent experience includes projects with the City of Melbourne, Melbourne Water, the Fishermans Bend Taskforce, and most recently with property developer Lendlease.

From 2019 to 2023 Steven was Chair of the board of Melbourne Award winning Kensington Neighbourhood House. He is currently Deputy Chair of the arts organisation All The Queens Men, which collaborates with LQBTIQ+ communities, seniors, young people and First Nations folks to create beautiful participatory art – which helps keep him grounded and grateful.

Through Amplifier, he’s now bringing his experience, sense of fun, creativity and a bit of ‘disruption’ to projects and organisations to better understand their diverse communities and places – and find ways to leave a genuine social impact.

After hours, he leads a ‘secret double life’ as an occasional DJ and has run a couple of successful club nights. He lives in Brunswick with his husband and his precious turntables and vinyl collection - loves a dry gin martini.